![]() 06/28/2019 at 20:58 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
H aving difficulty breathing. A trip up 19 steps to my bedroom has me huffing and puffing, ready to pass out. And I just discovered that my FSA account is down to $22 and the year isn’t even half over. Poverty (or debt), here I come!
IV line in, EKG and x-rays, and Zofran for the nausea being administered. I’ve already taken two days off of work this week and I cannot afford to take any more. Now they want to send me to the ER.
This is going to be fun...
![]() 06/28/2019 at 21:21 |
I’m sorry but your health care and employment law i s a load of bollocks.
No government mandated paid holiday allowance,
No statutory sick pay from your employer or subsidised by government while your ill,
No universal health care, so you pay through the nose whether you’ve got insurance or not.
Do people really think they can recuperate as fast while they are worried about whether they can afford painkillers, where the next meal will come from, can they work whilst in pain, etc...
I sincerely hope it's nothing serious mate and you make a full and rapid recovery.
![]() 06/28/2019 at 21:35 |
I hope you get better soon. If a crowdfund goes up, I will gladly chuck a few bucks your way, and I hate that this is a reality we live in
![]() 06/28/2019 at 21:36 |
Yikes, I hope you’re alright. What Svend said is true, our health care system is in a bad way and I hope we can make steps toward improving how we care for our health in this country. For your sake, and everyone else.
But for now, be well, do good deeds, and keep in touch.
![]() 06/28/2019 at 21:37 |
Good luck mate...sorry to hear you’re feeling down...let us know if there’s any way we can help!
![]() 06/28/2019 at 21:40 |
That’s terrifying. Both the physical symptoms and the monetary aspect. I hope you’re feeling better soon and feel free to keep pestering us if you’re stuck waiting around as much as some medical places require.
![]() 06/28/2019 at 21:44 |
Sorry buddy I hope you feel better soon.
![]() 06/28/2019 at 21:48 |
Hope it’s minor and you’re back up on your feet quickly! And cheaply...
![]() 06/28/2019 at 21:51 |
Get well soon
![]() 06/28/2019 at 22:05 |
And we have all seen Svend’s diet. All jokes aside feel better. Many health things are not our choice.
![]() 06/28/2019 at 22:30 |
I’m sorry, I hope you get better soon.
![]() 06/28/2019 at 22:35 |
Oh man. I’ m sorry to hear that. Concentrate on getting well. You’ve been doing great.
![]() 06/28/2019 at 22:42 |
We are legally required to have health insurance now under the affordable care act but the Repiglicans have done a good job of not funding it and making it difficult for right wing states to do a shitty job of making sure folks have the terrible health insurance.
![]() 06/28/2019 at 23:09 |
Fingers crossed it's something minor and temporary
![]() 06/28/2019 at 23:13 |
The ER is the best place right now, they have access to more equipment and tests. I had symptoms like that during my first session of chemo for colon cancer, it was blood clots in my lungs and I was hospitalized 3 days I thought I was dying, but here I am.
![]() 06/28/2019 at 23:17 |
Take care and listen to the docs.
Now isn’t the time to worry about the money. Easier said than done, but I hope you can focus on being well.
![]() 06/28/2019 at 23:19 |
Blood clots - that's what the urgent care was concerned about. Can this be handled with just medication? The oncologist that is handling my colon cancer wasn't sure what it was, but recommended urgent care/ER just in case.
![]() 06/28/2019 at 23:35 |
Well, my salary would put me in a 40% tax bracket in the UK. I am at 24% in the states. For me, that’s around $15k difference per year. No one seems to think about that when they talk about how “bad” American health system is. I pay like $74 per month for health and dental and vision, I have retirement that is so good I’d feel like I’m bragging if I mentioned numbers, and I get 14.5 hours per months vacation and 10 hours per month sick time. I have around 650 hours accrued between the two.
So, let’s just say I’d pick my US standards over anything else anywhere.
![]() 06/28/2019 at 23:35 |
Oh yeah - whatever they say goes. They saved my life late last year/early this year when my cancer was diagnosed, and I’m not going to doubt them.
On the bright side, the only expense should be the $150 copay. With cancer surgery and other problems this year I have met my deductible and shouldn’t have to pay much out of pocket. I’ll have to throw this latest charge on a credit card as I am cash-poor from having to take so many days off work. I’ve paid my landlord only half of May’s rent, and I’m grateful he’s understanding of my situation.
![]() 06/28/2019 at 23:36 |
I hope you feel better soon.
![]() 06/28/2019 at 23:53 |
Yeah, congrats. For you.
![]() 06/28/2019 at 23:56 |
Well thank you! My point is that claiming “oh the US health system sucks” without considering multitudes other factors - mainly much higher taxes on just about everything else in the countries to which our health system is compared to - is just not a fair way to look into things.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 00:10 |
Its nothing to mess with. Blood clots are what did my mom in, when she had cancer . Take care of yourself.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 00:13 |
Any news? I remember my old manager having blood cloth issues and she was able to take drugs for it. Granted, her cloths were in her legs and they were trying to make sure none would make it up north. You really need a dose of good luck and I hope a lot of it comes your way really soon.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 00:21 |
Thanks for your concern. I’m in the ER now, so we’ll see what they have to say. Just got a bed and am wired up, waiting for the doc. I’ll keep everyone informed of my status.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 00:51 |
I’m in a ‘room’ in the ER now and just met with a med student. They’re doing some blood work and checking my x-rays to determine what to do next. Maybe a CT scan, but we’ll see.
I did go home between urgent care and the ER to get the bag I usually take with me when going to the doctor. I’ve got some headphones, a cheap tablet, meds, magazines and most importantly, a phone charger. You never know when you’re going to be admitted, so best be prepared.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 01:03 |
Thankfully I work for an organization with relatively good benefits, and they started on day one of my employment. But if rather have some sort of universal care so it didn’t matter where I worked. Finding a job is tough enough, and it sucks to have to take a job where you know the benefits are crap, just to survive. I got lucky on the job hunt , but many people aren’t as fortunate as me.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 01:07 |
Good luck dude! That bag will sure come in handy. My wife did 3-4 ER visits recently for some lung issues as well, and it’s amazing how much time you can spend there just waiting.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 01:10 |
And what about those not as well off?
Are you saying, ‘well you should’ve done better at school’, ‘you should work harder to earn more money’, ‘you should get a second job’, etc... because I’ve seen people say that to people less well off, yes, even by people on here to people on here.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 01:15 |
Yes taxes go up the more you earn. But here in the U.K. you are entitled to earn so much each year before you start paying taxes.I think it went up to £12,000, so I can earn £12,000 a year before I start paying taxes on my income.
I’m not a big earner by any means but our system means that I as well as someone earning five times more than me has an equal right to health care and that even me at the level I earn can still easily afford to go private should I want to.
Multitudes of factors don’t come into it when it comes into health care and how, if you can afford it, you can have it’. Health care should be something everyone is entitled to, it should be a right, not a privilege.
The person earlier shouldn’t be close to bankruptcy just because they fell and cut their knee and now has a serious infection.
Nobody should have to worry about whether they can afford to eat or be pain free just so they can work to be able to afford one or the other.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 01:18 |
Oof. Man, I hope you’re all right. I went to the ER in 2013 when I woke up one Saturday with stabby chest pains, labored breathing, and restricted movement (because of the pain). After some hours with stable vitals and no audible issues with my heart or lungs, I was released with a provisional diagnosis of costochondritis. The pain still comes back sometimes after eating certain foods or when sitting in an uncomfortably upright position, but I haven’t been hospitalized since then.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 01:28 |
I understand what you’re trying to say. What you are also saying, inadvertantly or not, is “Fuck you, I’ve got mine.”
Maybe you feel that way. Maybe you don’t. But maybe openly declaring your financial and health security in a thread started by a guy who expressed his concern ab out being able to afford healthcare, might be taken as a bit callous.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 01:32 |
How are you doing now? Have they admitted you to a ward for observation?
![]() 06/29/2019 at 01:34 |
There are tons of welfare programs to benefit the ones that are well of. This country spends billions on that.
And yes, this is a capitalistic society, not a socialist country. America has a long tradition of making it on tour own. Making enough to take care of yourself and your family has always been a point of pride.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 01:34 |
Normally , for clot s, they will put you in blood thinners, and probably injectable ones. I hope it's not a clot, they're a serious pain in the ass.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 01:35 |
I’m still taking a blood thinner xeralto. I was on different ones in the hospital.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 01:37 |
I’m still down in the ER waiting whilst they look at test results and x-rays. I’m just sitting back until they come back with a plan. In the mean time my butt is going numb in this uncomfortable bed...
![]() 06/29/2019 at 01:45 |
But the only reason why you have a society like that is because your taxes are so steep on everything. Income tax, VAT, your gas prices, car prices, everything is super expensive. So while you don’t pay for health care, you pay for it in ever other aspect of your life.
Pretty much every health care plan in this country comes with a out of pocket maximum. Every drug you buy, every doctor visit you make counts toward it. At the end of the day, you can spend about a total of $5000 on health insurance maximum, maybe more if you have a really shitty plan. I’ll bet you anything that the tax difference between costs of items in US and GB more than makes up for that.
This is the way I see it - here you are given all your money minus some taxes and you can pick your health insurance with it. In UK, government takes their mandatory huge amount of money and picks the insurance for you. What’s better? Well, I lived in a socialist system for 19 years, and I have no issues with the American system at all.
I guess we have radically different views of what constitutes as a right and that’s OK.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 01:50 |
So what of everyone else?
There may be programs, but programs have there own requirements and not everyone fits in every one of those requirements, the requirements are not standardised throughout the U.S. even then it comes down to funding and how the money is spent. It may be billions spent on those programs but if the government isn’t raining in how much the pharmaceutical companies can charge for the medications, etc... point of pride shouldn’t be looking after yourself and your family in an ‘I’m alright Jack’ fashion, point of pride should be making sure you and those around you are okay.
But like I said earlier. It’s like banging my. Head off a brick wall. So I’m going to leave it there and wish you a good evening or whatever it is where you are because like anyone else, we’re not going to be settling the system any time soon.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 01:51 |
Well, he also said this will cost him $150 out of pocket and that’s it. No one is going bankrupt over that.
My answer was to Svend, regarding his opinion about how bad our health system is. I tend to disagree.
Being callous... eh, maybe I am am, but my situation- good or bad - has no impact on his situation. I hate walking on eggshells because someone’s feelings might get hurt. Again, I was talking to Svend, not the OP.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 01:54 |
They still don’t know what it is. They’re getting ready to take me on for a CT scan now. I’m kind of used to them by now...
![]() 06/29/2019 at 01:56 |
Argh yes, the numb bum and shifting from side to side to try and get comfortable on an A&E bed. Have you tried lowering the back and moving onto your side.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 02:04 |
That’s how they found mine.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 02:25 |
Okay, that was to be my last, but I need to correct you on these steep taxes.
Taxes on products (VAT Value Added Tax) are 20%.
Cars may seem expensive to you but I got over a £5,000 discount on the MSRP of a new build. I pay £170 in the first year and £145 each year after on the new tax rules (that money goes to roads (granted not enough) and bus and subsidising trains, etc...), fuel is about £1.15 a litre but my car does 50mpg.
Here we pay taxes as you earn them and not collate them at the end of the year.
Tax bands are.
Here is my tax statement for last year and where the money went.
((before the allowance went up from £11,500 to £12,500 a year ))
So if these are steep taxes, well boy am I happy with that.
If I lived alone then things would be a little harder but even then I could claim for certain discounts of say, single person occupancy council tax, etc...
The cost of living here is relatively high, but where some areas are high other areas o ff set it that are pretty low.
Take care.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 02:27 |
I’m done with the test, but it sounds like it’s a PE. The CT was good and apparently shows the clot. I’m just waiting for the doctor for confirmation. Like the tumor, it appears that this was caught in time.
Another day, another illness. This is getting to be all too frequent...
![]() 06/29/2019 at 02:36 |
Tax around here on products is 4.25% to 8.3%. Just buying your car at 20% versus these is a night and day difference. I saw that table for taxes and I would be at 40% in UK . I am at 24% here. It would cost me $15000 extra in taxes per year to live in UK Justin for income tax, not counting extra 11.7-15.4% on VAT versus what I pay here on purchases.
I got my dad like 6000 or 7000 discount from Msrp on his car and I’ve seen cars with as much as $17000 discounts. Not sure why this matters in this conversation. Cars with 50mpg exist here as well if you chose to buy them, so not sure why that matters either.
You can find a person making $15k here and they’d pay $1500 in taxes for the whole year, if even after all the deductions.
So, you didn’t really set me right on this topic. The undeniable fact is that UK collects a lot more money on taxes from both income and VAT and can use that money for “free” health care. US lets you chose how you spend it. What’s better or worse, well that’s for individuals to decide for themselves. Really, only people that prefer socialism over capitalism are the ones that make the least amount of money, which is really not a shocking statement.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 02:37 |
I hope your sorted soon mate.
Take care okay.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 02:42 |
They’ll probably want to do an ultrasound on your legs tomorrow that’s usually where the clots form. Seems like you’re getting good care.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 02:42 |
Will do. I’m relieved to hear that apparently they know what it is and can be treated with medication - no surgery necessary.
Thanks to you and everyone here at Oppo for your kind words and support. I may not have a lot of friends in my current adopted home town, but on Oppo I feel like I've got a great bunch of friends all over the world. I could not be any more fortunate.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 02:44 |
That’s great news.
Are they going to keep you in for the night or discharge you and let you get some much earned rest and relaxation?
![]() 06/29/2019 at 03:02 |
It’s a hospital associated with Saint Louis University, and it’s close to home. They’ve taken good care of me over the years so I keep going back. I could have gone to a different hospital a few miles away, far away from downtown and the craziness that goes with being in an inner city hospital, but this place is familiar. And the staff is probably relieved to be dealing with someone polite and helpful rather than the usual assortment of drunks, drug seekers and misc. troublemakers.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 03:06 |
I’m going to be admitted for at least a day, maybe even ICU. All I ask is that they get me out of this bed before I lose all feeling in my ass...
![]() 06/29/2019 at 03:21 |
I’m guessing you’ll be there a couple days. Try to get rest when you can they’ll be taking vitals, jabbing and drawing blood incessantly.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 03:22 |
Lol. Still on that ruddy bed ay!?
Well it’s good they are going to keep you in for some time at least to monitor you and to be sure of their diagnosis.
I hope they put you on the ward soon, so you can get some sleep at least before everyone else wakes up. Nothing worse than trying to get to sleep while others are not just awake, but waking up and start shuffling about.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 03:26 |
Yeah, I'm tempted to call them for a pillow or something. It sounds relatively quiet out there so I shouldn't be taking them away from anything critical. I don't want my minor pain to affect anyone else.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 03:30 |
They’ve got multiple IV lines in, so it should be relatively easy for them to keep drawing blood.
I used to be afraid of needles so I decided to condition myself by donating platelets every two weeks. I was up to 40 some odd donations before I moved, never getting my picture on the wall of fame for 50+ donations, but I do have the scar tissue around the IV sites to prove it.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 03:35 |
Do you not have a pillow?
Ye’, I’d get in on that quickly.
Top tip. When ever addressing someone in the emergency services, be they police, fire, ambulance, nurse, doctor, etc... do not use the words quiet or slow (ie I guess it’s slow around here tonight, or it’s a pretty quiet evening). Even the most un-superstitious will roll their eyes because you’ve tempted fate.
If we were ever talking to another service we’d remark on how it was such a ‘Q-night tonight’, etc...
![]() 06/29/2019 at 03:38 |
If I remember right the blood drawers (dressed in red) didn’t use the iv. They preferred the term mosquitoes rather than vampires.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 03:51 |
I got another pillow and I’m feeling a bit better, but I look forward to moving upstairs and getting some sleep in a normal-ish bed.
We have the same superstition in paratransit. You never mention that you haven’t had a road call (van breakdown) in some time, or, heaven forbid, a 100 (our code for an accident or emergency situation). Just saying those out loud just invites disaster.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 04:00 |
Ye’, even the most ardent non-superstitious will look at you like they want to punch you. Lol.
I sometimes miss those old days but it’s a quieter and slower pace of work now, nowhere near as stressful but I get some police and ambulance staff from time to time come in.
I hope you get to bed soon.
Sorry about steering your post to U.S. health care earlier mate.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 05:12 |
No worries. I frequently complain about the Healthcare system in this country and like to rant about it myself. This is the only country I've lived in but in so many regards it feels almost third world. My parents feel the same way and were even talking of migrating to NZ after Trump was elected, and I was ready to join them...
![]() 06/29/2019 at 07:20 |
It’s your call, but put up a go fund me. Opponauts would support you. I recognize that may not be the most agreeable solution , and it may or may not work, but we could help a bit.
Either way, an Internet bro hug for you.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 07:41 |
I appreciate the offer, but I think I’ll be OK, financially speaking. I just needed to pay the copay and everything else should be covered by insurance since my deductible for the year had been met.
They did diagnose it as multiple pulmonary embolisms, most likely caused by the chemo meds. Like my cancer, it appears that it was caught in time and that no invasive procedure will be necessary. Blood thinners should take care of everything as long as I’m on chemo, which should only be for about two more months. My right atrium is enlarged due to the extra pumping forces needed to get past the embolisms, but that too should return to normal.
Many thanks to you and others here on Oppo who have expressed their concern and support. I feel honored to have such a great group of folks to hang out with, even if it's only in the virtual world. You guys mean the world to me.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 09:02 |
Good. Please keep us posted.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 10:17 |
You’re not gonna convince him anything could possibly be better unless and until he’s taken out of the comfortable position he's in. I hope he never has to worry about it.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 11:14 |
It’s the whole, ‘I’m alright Jack’ mentality of it all though.
And proud of it.
Nobody should be going bankrupt because of a fall, accident, etc... nobody should have to choose between food or medication. Or should have to go back to work before they have recuperated because they don’t have paid leave. In this day and age, that to me is barbaric.
When several members of the my family were hospitalised over the last four years from falls, heart attacks, etc... at no point was money a concern to pay for the ambulance, hospital stays, round the clock specialist care or tests. Before they were discharged if necessary the local authority would come out and check the house and see where anything could be made safer, mobility and access could be improved and equipment was installed from handrails to seats to aid standing at sinks for longer periods.
![]() 06/29/2019 at 12:46 |
I know, man. It’s a very common outlook here.